Saturday, January 3, 2009


So, I get my butt out the door for a run moments ago. I thought that the wind would be out of the South yet. According to, it should have been. I knew that it would be switching to the North, eventually. It already has.

The wind isn't TOO fierce yet, but there is plenty of moisture in it. I was wearing two pairs of tights. A long sleeve shirt, hooded sweatshirt with hood up over ear warmers. And gloves. My torso was a bit cool, but once I got going I'd be fine.

The problem is that the trip down the driveway was into the wind. My face was really cold, tears went down my cheeks. On the way back wasn't bad.

I stopped at my car to grab my balaclava. I put it on and immediately my glasses fog over. I hate the thing. I ran .10 and said screw it. My glasses would likely freeze over before too long and I would be stuck with a snotty and vapor soaked mask. Yeah pleasant.

So, I'm irritated. I wanted to run. I feel like it was going to be a good run. The weather wasn't such an issue, but it turned out to be.

What is the answer??

A treadmill isn't an option financially or spacially.

Looks like I'll have to ride the trainer. I don't really like that option either. I dislike it quite a bit actually. 30-45 minutes is manageable, but not pleasant.

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